Listed Building Refurbishment.

Slicing history, very carefully

If a building or a development asset is listed by Historic England*, then it is part of planning policy to submit a Heritage Statement as part of any planning application for both renovation and development. Listed buildings can be of different status, but there will usually be strict limitations on what works can be done and how. The buildings need treating with sensitivity, and this can be further complicated by the need for structural repairs which may require specialist engineering solutions.

A Heritage Statement is compulsory and it needs an expert to carry out extensive research before producing the final document. The Statement is submitted to planners who will subject it to close scrutiny.

What we deliver

Refurbishing a listed building can be a complex process, so it pays to take the advice and services of specialists experienced in this field. And making sure the Heritage Statement is completely accurate is a significant part of successfully obtaining Planning Permission. It’s fundamental to securing the required outcome for the whole project.

At Everard we have a proven track record dealing with Heritage Assets, gaining consents for works to listed building and development within conservation areas.

Get in touch to find out more: Call 020 7790 3733 or email [email protected]

*The formal name of Historic England is the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England. Until 2015 it was known as English Heritage.

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